Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pseudo-Adventure Hurt The Hearts of The Public

I am bitterly disappointed, but too because these so-called quasi-elite universities, built in the taxpayer-funded public resources - classic universities, as they collect contacts, cliques, for the individual springboard platform for hereafter vocation take off for the private resources. They are well exercised in either learned and professional speech appears,Inspired Earrings - Classic Design, but reveals the selfish and the extreme, filling out the mountain and Utilitarianism platitudes.

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The face of a alike old young and their remains Zhang Ninghai police, emancipated the students are acting restraint, and even he did not attend a memorial service to rush back to the university. Students return to campus no longer fear those waiting to be rescued helpless lost sheep, on the inverse, in the micro-Bo speak about the movements of the crisis public relations.

"Pseudo-adventure" Hurt the Hearts of the Public

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They micro-Bo Liti that "schools should take this chance to reinforce the relationship between Anhui attach before, the police memorial service fall butme educate principals or vice principals, for students and reinforce other relationships." They also mentioned that "you to study to build order, to control for the aged, to coordinate narrations, to the use of resources."They even doomed the school's control over the news media has declined, suggested that message should be more graduates to several newspapers, more than preoccupy the position. Only entity they did not say the young police almost asset not even grief.

This winter, cooling to some startle. Four southern provinces wonder snow, blizzard trapped 300 herdsmen in Inner Mongolia, although, quickly behind these natural catastrophes, is nigh the officers and men, the masses of the mutual aid, self-help, is a heart warming news treatise. Out of the window, the northwardly air roaring quondam, people did not feel the center deserving to cold temperature, it touches the face of a dozen students of Fudan retention them the outlay for the civil police indifference while people cold inside your center.

Fudan University, students were trapped more than a dozen unopened section of Huangshan district, a police Zhuiya to save the expense of students. Passing of a life in return for Fudan students are not the reflection and thanksgiving, but in the forum to talk about how the media, public relations, who came to power climbing unions, and the indifference of the "you on services for taxpayers."

This allows us to learn the craft of others harmed after students Shouren 8 knives; dears of the elite universities bypass their savior.

I am bitterly disappointed because they do not see a trace of reflection reverence for life. No sentence of police Zhang Ninghai mourning, no sorrow and no tears, and no reflection. They blame the public facilities, pushed to the police on the body weak and absence of exercise, fair not some soul. Ancient Greek philosopher Socrates once said: "are not experiencing the life of the review is not value living." Sage of this well-read paperback had not even quasi-elite that do not know a simple truth.

What namely better than dying of a youth life makes us feel even sorrier! What people feel more than a sweet adore? Cheng Huan than what their parents lives and living more people feel lukewarm and enjoy their grandchildren? All of this, the young police officers will not Fu Xiaoshou Zhang Ninghai. The real salvation does no mean namely the digit of division governors heeded the memorial service, merely the real conscience reverence because life. Those born students, can you terror life more than a trace it? Fear of the dead, is actually the greatest adore as their personality.

I am bitterly disheartened, but also because such a group of quasi-elite, the future will come to an important situation this country to take their aptitudes financial, commercial, administrative, educational, medical and other fields momentous position, to look their pride and cold today attitude, you can not feel cool? Openly acknowledged above the basis of created mastermind separate among wealthy and penniless, social injustice, instinctively blame, insufferably haughty, it should not be our future attitude of the essence, nor the intellectuals of duty shown by this community to melodrama.

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